Medical Imaging
The University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center's Medical Imaging service provides diagnostic radiography and fluoroscopy, computed tomography, MRI, radionuclide imaging, and diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography.
Diagnostic Radiographic (x-ray) Procedures
Special Radiographic / Fluoroscopic Procedures:
- Angiography
- Cystourethrography
- Esophagography
- Fistulography
- Intravenous urography
- Upper GI Series
- Barium enema
- Vaginography
- Arthrography
- Diagnostic and interventional fluoroscopy
Computed Tomography (including guided biopsies and fine needle aspirates)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Radionuclide imaging for small and large animal patients:
- Bone scintigraphy
- Portal scintigraphy (for Portosystemic Shunts - PSS)
- Thyroid scintigraphy
- GFR scintigraphy
- And others
Diagnostic and interventional ultrasonography

Radiology Equipment
Sedecal HF Series Digital X-ray Machine
Del Medical FWFC Digital X-ray Machine
Philips ProxiDiagnost N90 R+F
Ultrasound Equipment
Two Samsung RS80A Prestige Ultrasounds
Samsung RS85 Prestige Ultrasound
Advanced Imaging Equipment
Siemens 3T Magnetom Prisma MRI
Siemens 128 Slice Ecodrive Somatom CT
Nucam Equistand Gamma camera with Mirage software
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Gifts drive discovery, expand access to services, and bring expert care to the thousands of companion animals we serve each year.