Intensive Care Unit

The University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center's Intensive Care Unit service provides round-the-clock care to critically ill animals.

Lewis Small Animal Hospital

Make an appointment

Phone number

1365 Gortner Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
United States

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  • Blood transfusions
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
  • IV fluids
  • Central IV & Multi-Lumen catheters
  • Direct and Indirect Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Ventilator
  • High Flow Oxygen
  • Continuous thoracic suction
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Defibrillator
  • Phone consultations

What to expect

Useful information

We ask that all pertinent information about your pet’s health be sent to us prior to your appointment. Relevant records and lab work may be sent via fax or email. If radiographs or other images have been taken, please bring a copy of those to the appointment (originals will be returned to your referring veterinarian). If your clinic utilizes digital imaging, we would prefer to have the original DICOM images. Please bring all medications your pet is currently receiving with you.

Our cases are managed with a team-based approach. Your pet will be examined by a senior veterinary student and they will listen to your concerns. The students then report their findings and develop a treatment plan with the faculty clinician who is board certified in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Your attending clinician will then meet with you to verify the history and your concerns, perform their own examination of your pet, discuss a diagnostic and therapeutic plan with you, estimate costs, and answer any further questions that you may have.

Appointments are longer than typically seen in private practice, usually two to three hours. This is due to the teaching process involved. However, most of our clients tell us that the quality of care is worth the extra time. We may be collecting blood and urine from your pet for testing at the time of this initial consultation. Please make sure that your pet has fasted 8-12 hours before his/her appointment. Additionally, because we may be collecting urine as well, please do not allow your pet to void on the way into the hospital.


  • Ventilator
  • ECG
  • Direct BP
  • Oxygen Cages
  • High Flow Oxygen


Rosemary Klass

Meet the VMC: Rosemary Klass

A longtime veterinary technician in the ICU, Klass makes an impact through her positivity and leadership in diversity initiatives

Hattie the French bulldog

‘A perfect storm’

Cross-hospital collaboration helps a young French bulldog overcome a barrage of severe gastrointestinal problems that nearly turned deadly

Give back to the VMC

Gifts drive discovery, expand access to services, and bring expert care to the thousands of companion animals we serve each year.